Error connection to the database

The problems that could arise during the installation and execution of the program would be caused by the system connection to the ODBC database.

More information

To solve any type of problem related with the database connection, you should come out and install the last controllers that Microsoft offers in its web.

Printing Problems

With certain models of printers and with some drivers, problems have been detected problems with the maps of roads and street plans printing, such as the size of the names or with the correct printing of the calculate route.

To solve this problem, you come out and decompress one of the following files:


VisualMap 2000
VisualRoute 2000

To decompress the file you have to execute it from Internet. When it's executed, you have to decompress it in the same directory you installed the program. Usually: C:\Vmap2000 o C:\Vrou2000.

Others Problems

If you have any other type of problems, please contact us in: